Healing Session
- Channel Messages
Shift old patterns
Renew energy
Heal emotions
60 minutes
In person, phone or facetime
Remove old energy blocks
Reading/ Medium Session
Answer life questions
Find direction
Contact crossed loved ones
30 or 60 minutes
In person, phone or facetime
*Contact me with any questions. I will be happy to chat and help you determine what is best for you at this time.
Connect with me on facebook!
Positive Energy Healing Center
6053 Hudson Road
Suite 357
Woodbury, MN 55125
Call or Text for appointment
Individual Readings and Healings Available.
Group Readings are a blast!
Girls Night Out, Birthdays or Bachelorette Parties.
Call to Book a fun night!
Who is Patti Berry Intuitive?
I am an Intuitive Reader, Medium & Healer who can help with your Questions from Spirit and help to Heal your emotional struggles.
Are you looking for direction in your life?
Are you seeking answers to some of life's challenging questions?
Do you feel stuck in the past and can’t seem to move forward?
Do you feel lonely, depressed, worried or have grief and sadness?
Do you feel anger that you can't get rid of?
Would you like to heal emotional wounds or find forgiveness?
Would you like to contact a loved one that has crossed over?
Sometimes life's challenges can be overwhelming and difficult to get past on our own, making it difficult to live a happy and healthy life. In a gentle and loving way I use my gifts to get to the core of why you can't find your peace. There could be a past life affecting the situation or you maybe in a life lesson that we can explore. I will channel in the messages you need to better navigate your life and bring you back to a sense of peace through energy healing techniques, while guided by source for your highest good.
In a healing session I do channel in messages for you to help navigate your life with more ease. I will help lift your burdens by removing old thought patterns and energy blocks in the body. This will allow for renewed energy to replace the old so you can start to feel better emotionally and physically.
When doing an intuitive reading I come from a place of love and light to give sound advice to help you on your journey. I am gifted with the ability to be intuitive for others, giving them the chance to have more peace of mind. I find great pleasure in helping people feel emotionally better. This happens naturally for me.
Everyone here on earth is learning through experiences which help us grow as souls. Sometimes within those experiences we get frustrated, life gets hard and we look for answers. I am here to help you with those answers.
Growing up I could feel how other people felt but didn't think much of it. As I got older I could hear people's thoughts and realized I was different. I began to do readings and healings for my friends and soon understood that I had something special to share with the world. It was time to use my gifts to help others heal and find answers for a happier, healthier life so I started the Positive Energy Healing Center as a place for people to learn about themselves and their soul path.
Positive Energy Healing Center
6053 Hudson Road
Suite 357
Woodbury MN. 55125
Contact me with any questions or to make an Appointment:
Call 651-210-1096
What Client's Are Saying
"My Healing session with Patti was incredible, she spoke with my Higher Self, Guides and Angels, removed old traumas and blocks, my body shook as these were released. When she worked on my heart area, once again my body shook and then a warmth enveloped my whole heart/chest area....Thank you Spirit for guiding Patti to our door, we are Blessed!"
- Lorri Jacobson, Woodbury, MN